Camden's first day of radiation went well...despite him being alone and nervous in that big room with those big machines...he was a champ!! And then he and Emma went trick or treating throughout the radiation center. I applaud the amazing efforts of the department staff for making halloween so special for Camden. We did venture out to a few neighboring homes, which the kids enjoyed! Camden gets tired real quickly, so walking a distance is challenging. Ron bought 100 glow sticks and we decorated his power jeep and off he went! We hope everyone had a happy and safe halloween!!
Start your holiday shopping now with a "thirty-one" bag for someone on your list! Browse the catalog for some great gifts! OUR MAP IS FULL! We have received all of the United States and in addition we have been blessed with many prayers internationally. Our hearts are warm and Camden is one special little boy to be surrounded by so much love, support, and prayers. We believe that the power of prayer has brought us to where Camden is today and please Dear Lord, Hear our prayers, from our hearts and from all of our Crusaders! As always, Much Love and THANK YOU!!!!!
A special thank you to a small group of second graders who are teaching Camden a weekly science lesson. Today's lesson was via Skype and was very exciting for all of us. It gave me and Camden a lot to talk about today!
Tomorrow marks the first day of his radiation treatments. I am praying and praying that this treatment works to its fullest with the least amount of side effects *short and long term! Please God, continue to heal Camden. Please extend prayers to a friend of Ron's who has a baby that was admitted to CCMC. This family is under a lot of stress and worry in regard to their sweet baby girl's health. We can relate to the fear of "not knowing" and we are sending them an abundance of love and prayers. We are still waiting for a South Dakota family to find prayers in their hearts for Camden...this is our last and final state. Because of YOU....this is happening. We are so close to nationwide prayers. We couldn't be more proud and more thankful! I could just hug all of you. We have a pending North Dakota and still are in need of South Dakota! Please God, hear our prayers! May you bless, protect, and heal my precious boy, so HE can live a long, healthy, happy and cancer free life...helping others the way that we have been helped! Thank you everyone! Good night and MUCH LOVE!!!!
Family and Friends....we are 15 states behind in reaching our goal of all United States praying for Camden....we need Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Oklahoma, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Indiana, Alaska, Delaware, and West Virginia. Lets see if we can find someone in these states to extend our prayers to for Camden's complete healing...Our map is in need of a little help...Thank you!! Much Love.....
Another weekend of confinement and isolation has come and gone...but all remains excellent. We played some soccer and baseball...went for a nice ride through Tolland and Ellington...and we went past our old home in South Windsor, sending big love to our old neighbors. We have some plans for pumpkin carving this week (Camden really wanted to wait until we were closer to Halloween). We walked the woods behind our house today and found the PERFECT trees for our vision of an amazing tree house. Other than being sheltered from our family and friends, everything is going really well.
"FEAR NOTHING, I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU"....the LORD I really have been worried about Camden's mood. The past week has been very challenging with his fears and anxiety over "everything." HOWEVER, I think that going to our first radiation appointment today really alleviated much of his concerns. Today, he had a CT scan which will show the area that will be radiated (where the tumor was removed and also the small residual spot of cancer). Camden tolerated 3 "tattoos"...they inject black ink under his skin as markers for consistent positioning for treatment. For the cradle: they had him lay down on a large "bean bag" and used lasers and his tattoo markers for alignment. Then they "vacuum suctioned" the "bean bag" making it into a firm mold around him. Radiation is performed at Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center at Hartford Hospital, so I did see a nurse that I worked with in my years of being an occupational therapist at Hartford Hospital....that was comforting. His FIRST treatment will be next Thursday. Praying diligently that Camden stays on schedule with his treatments and that Camden will be completely healed
Today's update: Clinic went very well! Camden's oncologist said he is very happy with how well Camden is recovering from his transplant and his blood work continues to be in good ranges, allowing us to change our clinic visits to once a week instead of twice! AMEN to that!!! He also stated that he agrees Camden's CVL site looks good, with no concerns that need to be addressed. AMEN!! We met with the radiation oncologist who was very pleasant. He will have radiation 5 days a week (M-F) for 4 weeks. I am pleased that she in agreement that Camden does not need to be sedated for each treatment. We will be going this Thursday and they will make a "cradle" for him to lay between to stop him from moving. Camden has stayed still for a 2 hour MIBG scan, so hoping the short 90 second radiation treatment should be quick and easy for him. Please pray with us that it is just that! I know in my heart that the little remaining cancer is gone, but please Lord, guide the radiation treatment to destroy all cancer cells that may be hiding away... Camden has been a little "blue" the last few days...worried, scared, anxious, concerned...asking questions that would break your heart...that no 5 year old should worry about. We held hands and prayed that he only worry about little boy things and for God to give him courage, strength, bravery, laughter, love and smiles... little eating machine is on a come back...and Emma, thank God, has been an angel through all these appointments.... |
MommyShe's going to keep everyone up to date about my progress. Isn't she the best mommy ever? Archives
September 2021
Diagnosis: May 9, 2013
Surgery: September 2013 Transplant: September 2013 STRICT ISOLATION UNTIL January 2014 Radiation: November 2013 Antibody: January 2014 END OF TREATMENT June 9, 2014 DFMO Trial: June 2014 (27 months of DFMO) **FINISHED ALL TREATMENT JULY 25, 2016 5 years from diagnosis!! May 9, 2018 5 years from frontline!! June 9, 2019 IN REMISSION: pending (waiting for 5 year mark from maintenance). Benign Tumor: June 2019 |