So many of you have been extremely patient, waiting for this update. Thank you for your messages and support, even when we didn't tell you much. We wanted to wait until we knew what was going on, until we have some answers. Once again we were stopped in our tracks.
We confidently went into this MRI with complete Faith that Camden was well.
His scan was 2 weeks ago today. We received the results on the Friday following scans. The results were as follows:
1. S2 surgical site of tumor resection: Normal post op changes, surrounding edema resolved. Sent to Boston for surgeons opinion.
2. New area of concern on S1 spine. This presents as a small, 4mm lesion that looks very similar to the S2 lesion that was removed in August. This lesion was NOT on the MRI done in June but WAS there on the MRI done in March.
3. New area of concern on pubic rami of the pelvis. Large enhancement, measuring 6 cm or roughly 2 1/2 inches. This could be 1 of 2 things: Relapsed Neuroblastoma or a bone/muscle injury. Labs were all normal. We waited for his urine analysis for Neuroblastoma to come back (through the Holiday days off) and those came back normal as well.
The only way to know if these 2 new areas are threatening is to do a PET Scan. Camden has frequent scans and when there is an additional scan that is not on schedule, it has to get approved by insurance. Insurance has 14 days to approve.
MRI results were sent to Boston for review by their tumor board. Camden's oncologist is very thorough. She reached out to the Interventional Radiologist and the orthopedic surgeon at Hartford Hospital.
Opinions are as follows:
1. The large enhancement is probable sports related injury. Rest and recover. Repeat images in 1 month.
2. The orthopedic specialist did not fully agree that it could be sports injury and suggests on moving forward with obtaining a full body scan.
3. Boston Tumor Board: We obtained these opinions today and they believe that the S1 lesion and the enhancement on the pubic rami are NOT neuroblastoma or any other tumor. They believe that what is showing on the MRI are areas of stress due to overuse from sports. They report that this is extremely common for young athletes and Camden was immobilized after his surgery in August which really puts him at a greater risk for injury. Boston suggests repeating the MRI in 3 months.
Ron and I truly rejoice in the positive feedback from these exceptionally skilled physicians. We have reconnected with his oncologist to establish a comfortable plan for scans and within a time that we all agree upon.
So, we are holding on strongly to the fact that Camden is well. Once again, he is our families Christmas miracle.
Please continue to surround Camden and all of us with your prayers, your positive energy, your love and light and all things related to wellness and healing.
Thank you. Much love....